Dec 2, 2016
I am very excited to share this episode with you! Today’s guest is musician Chris Butler. Even though this is his first appearance, he plays a big part in the history of the show. As I planned out the podcast back in 2011, Chris was on my original list of people that I wanted to speak with. I am thrilled that I now have the opportunity to feature this talented artist and share his story and music with you. I first learned about Chris back in 1982. He was the founder/guitarist/songwriter of The Waitresses. I have been a fan ever since, and it is where I start the interview. Chris told me about his early days in Ohio, what the music scene was like, his early bands, moving to NYC, and how The Waitresses got their start. The second part of our conversation focuses on the historic recording techniques that Chris has experimented with, and tasting success in Europe with Kilopop! Music from various eras of his career are mixed in throughout the conversation. We wrap things up in the final segment by talking about his childhood and the vibrant music scene that he was a part of during his college life in Kent, Ohio. Chris was in the crowd of students at Kent State University on May 4th 1970 when the National Guard opened fire on them, killing four of his friends and peers. Chris gave me the details of the events leading up to that fateful day, and how it felt to be there as it was happening. Needless to say, it had a profound impact on the rest of his life. This was a dramatic and emotional part of our conversation, and I am honored that he shared it with me. This lead into a conversation about the current state of affairs in American politics. We spoke for close to three hours that night, but there is so much more that I would like to discuss with him. Hopefully I can have him on again to continue the story. Learn more at and be sure to pick up your copies of his solo work at If you reach out to Chris, please let him know that you heard him on The Artist Connection Podcast. Enjoy!
We do not own any copyrights to the songs played on this episode. We have special permission by the artists themselves to play their music on the show for promotional purposes for the artists.