May 29, 2012
The second "all music" episode of the Artist Connection Podcast! I will be featuring artists that are represented by a promotion agency called LadyLake Music. Their motto is "Positive People, Positive Energy, Positive Results!". I met owner Cindy D'Adamo and VP Jen Andujar very early in the history of my show, and they have been so good to me. They are tireless in their efforts in getting great music out there. They literally work morning, noon and night. They are always there for their clients and friends. I have interviewed a few of their artists on previous episodes and I wanted to do something very special with this one as a "thank you" for all of their support. Learn more at This Memorial Day weekend (2012), LadyLake Music and HOOAH! Radio will be launching PROJECT ENCOURAGE which will be sending music and merchandise to the troops. Just another example of how these ladies are always giving back! If you do reach out to Cindy and Jen, please tell them that Matt sent you! This episode includes the following songs:
Sam Batt - Little Thrill
Silas Siphan - Shooting Star
Greenfire - Wicked Ways
Juliette Gough Epps - Rays Around the Sun
Wytchazle - Skylark
David Martinez - Sweet Sister
Max Jones Brigade - Hollywood & Vine
Cameron Elam - Man on a Train (Remix)
Lori Diamond & Fred Abatelli - All Comes 'Round
Sam Batt - Make it Easy
I hope you enjoy this music as much as I do. I encourage you to
explore the other music that these artists have created. Please
reach out to me with your feedback. Enjoy!